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Date : 2017-11-30
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The Hammer Why Dogs Attack Us and How to Prevent It ~ Ultimately a better understanding of dogs will reduce seemingly unprovoked attacks for which dogs are beingcondemned to die The Hammer is a moving thought provoking and indispensable guide that calls for awareness education and action to save not onlythe lives of people but of dogs
The Hammer Why Dogs Attack Us and How to Prevent It by ~ For thousands of years dogs have established themselves in the homes and hearts of humans coming to be viewed almost exclusively as loyal friendly and which is why it is often so alarming and unexpected to owners when a dog attacks
The Hammer Why Dogs Attack Us and How to Prevent It by ~ Ultimately a better understanding of dogs will reduce seemingly unprovoked attacks for which dogs are beingcondemned to die The Hammer is a moving thought provoking and indispensable guide that calls for awareness education and action to save not onlythe lives of people but of dogs
The Hammer – Why Dogs Attack Us and How to Prevent It ~ In The Hammer Why Dogs Attack Us and How to Prevent It Bryan Bailey sets out to “educate dog owners about the real causes of dog aggression and what they must do when confronted with such aggression in order to avoid serious bodily harm or death” Mr Bailey gives four accounts of actual dogcaused fatalities allowing the reader to assess what kind of aggression the dog was presenting and how it played out for the victim
The Hammer Why Dogs Attack Us and How to Prevent It by ~ In this captivating work of nonfiction Bryan Bailey whose credentials include over thirtyfive years of both studying and teaching the influence of wolves over modern dogs sheds light upon the instincts that trigger aggressive behavior and what can be done to prevent it
New Book THE HAMMER Examines Why Dogs Attack and How to ~ Animal expert Bryan Bailey explains what causes dogs to act aggressively and how can it be avoided in his new book The Hammer Why Dogs Attack Us and How to Prevent It” Available now wherever books are sold The Hammer offers the only resource youll need to learn to protect yourself from situations in which mans best friend turns into your worst nightmare
The Hammer Why Dogs Attack Us and How to Prevent It ~ In The Hammer Why Dogs Attack Us and How to Prevent It Bryan Bailey sets out to educate dog owners about the real causes of dog aggression and what they must do when confronted with such aggression in order to avoid serious bodily harm or death Mr Bailey gives four accounts of actual dogcaused fatalities allowing the reader to assess what kind of aggression the dog was presenting and how it played out for the victim
The Hammer Why Dogs Attack Us and How to Prevent It by ~ The Hammer Why Dogs Attack Us and How to Prevent It by Bryan Bailey Regular price Sale price 1695 Default Title 1695 USD
The Hammer Why Dogs Attack Us and How to Prevent It an ~ The Hammer Why Dogs Attack Us and How to Prevent It By Bryan Bailey In a heartfelt and convincing work of nonfiction animal behaviorist Bryan Bailey explains why the number of dog attacks in the United States continues to rise annually
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